Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ibex wax Spurs

(AP) Denver, CO Day 11 of the season saw the Spurs return home to the Denver Coliseum last night to face the Bismarck, North Dakota Ibex. Unfortunately for the Spurs, Martin Brodeur could not continue his magic between the pipes and the Spurs lost 4-2 to the visiting Ibex.
Brodeur said to sports columnist Woodrow Paige of the Denver Post, "What can I say. I stopped 41 of 44, it was a shooting gallery, I can't score 'em too."
Uh oh, Marty doesn't sound too happy. While he did face a barrage of rubber the score remained close going back and forth. It was knotted 2-2 when Alfredsson (3), left pic, scored the game winner in a scramble in front of Brodeur's crease at 18:25 of the 3rd. Perry (4) salted it away for the Ibex with an empty netter at 19:31.
Clemmensen (right pic) was more than adequate in net for the Ibex in stopping 25 of 27 shots (.926 SvPct).
Dasher Notes
Laperriere notched his 1st of the season at 9:09 of the 3rd to tie the score. The defense pairing of Sauer and Staios were outstanding during the game. Although not known for their scoring, they picked up 3 points between them, with Sauer scoring his first of the season at 01:34 of the 2nd and Staios picking up assists on both goals scored by the Spurs.
Next up are Cam Ward and the Springfield Homers. The Homers currently sport a .500 record so it will be a challenge for the .333 Spurs

Reported by Peter Puckhead

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