Thursday, March 13, 2008

Express Clobber Spurs

- Sarah Hughes Arena - Long Island, New York

The Spurs came to the Island full of themselves and were easily dispatched by a determined Express squad 6-3. The inconsistent Brodeur showed his inconsistency again in allowing 5 goals on 39 shots for a paltry .872 SvPct. Hard to say what his problem is. He should be performing much better.
Leading the Express to the victory was Jason Blake with 2 goals, along with Crosby and Parise who had 3 points each. Parise continues to haunt his former team.
Dasher Notes
This loss makes it 5 losses in the last 10 for the Spurs. The wheels are coming loose and Wisborg now has the lead for the President's Trophy by 2 points. They also have 2 more wins than the Spurs in the same number of games played. The next game for the Spurs is in 3 days back home against the Portland Owls. Hopefully the Spurs have themselves strightened out by then. Blueliner Paetsch suffered a minor injury in the contest.

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